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It’s a sunny afternoon here in Texas, and my wife Barbara is at the park again, counting and recording the number of eggs laid by monarch butterflies.  After collecting her data, she’ll share it with the professional scientist who recruited her.  In another state, our friend Antonio listens for frogs by visiting 12 different states, four times a year.  He has been submitting his findings to scientists for almost 20 years now.  And on the other side of the country, our niece Emily is catching native bees, putting tiny tags on them, and handing in weekly reports to the biology department at a local university.  Nobody is paying Barbara, Antonio, or Emily for their efforts, but all three consider themselves lucky to be “citizen scientists.”
現在完了と共に用いるnowについて、あまり文法書では説明がありません。just nowについては「たった今」とか「ついさっき」の意味なので過去形と一緒に使う、ということは書いてあります。『ロイヤル英文法』は次の様な例を引いて、事態を混乱させています。困ったもんです。
I have just now read those passages of Genesis again.
I have lived in Nagoya for 20 years now.
The concert has begun now.
経験用法ではnowは使えません。やっぱりup to nowとかuntil nowを使います。
I have read Genesis three times up to now.
He has been submitting his findings to scientists for almost 20 years now.

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