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There are a few things I find objectionable in some of the  TV dramas these days.  One example can be seen in recent episodes of Kyoto Chiken no Onna and GTO.  These are both entertaining programs that I enjoy watching.  But I find the justification of any action taken to relieve a high level of stress rather strange.  In other words, anything goes as long as the person is portrayed as a victim of circumstances.  If you’re feeling stressed out, go ahead and do whatever will relieve that stress!  Stab the public prosecutor, physically assault your classmate and throw him in the garbage bin.  You won’t be held accountable for it later.  From times past, Japan’s “culture of shame” has been the guardian of social morality and ethical conduct.  I hope my  fears about its replacement with a brand of individualism that is only a camouflage for egocentrism are unfounded.

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