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Tell me the reason for which you look so happy today.
=Tell me the reason why you look so happy today.
←You look so happy today for that reason.(飾りの完全文)
やっぱり「場所がいつも where とは限らない」や「時がいつも when とは限らない」と同じです。ここでのポイントは「そう言う理由で」が for that reason であることです。for は 「理由のfor」です。世の中には人とモノしかなく、先行詞が人じゃなければ全部「モノはwhich」です。そして「前置詞+関係代名詞=関係副詞」だからfor whichがwhyになります。じゃあ、次のはどうでしょうか。
The reason which he gave us for being late was very unnatural.
←He gave us the reason for being late.(飾りの完全文)
There is no reason (      ) I must become a doctor just because my father is a doctor.【④】
③ which・・・・④why
←I must become a doctor for the reason.
Tell me the reason (      ) you got involved in the scandal. 【③】
①of which・・・・・・②in which
③for which・・・・・④at which
←You got involved in the scandal for the reason.

【第26章 関係詞(3)】例文=225

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