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We came early to have a chat before the meeting.
不定詞の副詞用法の「目的」などと覚えるよりも、「何するために?」が簡単です。to以外にもin order toやso as toも使えます。文を持ってきたければ「so that S can[may / will] V」でもOKです。
・We came early in order to have a chat before the meeting.
・We came early so as to have a chat before the meeting.
・We came early so that we might have a chat before the meeting.
This book is difficult for me to read in a day.
モノ is easy / difficult」の後ろにto不定詞が来たら、「何するのが?」のtoです。この不定詞は形容詞 easy や difficult を飾っているのだから、副詞用法ですね!「この本は難しいね!」と聞くと、何するのが難しいの?と尋ねたくなるよね。それに応えるのが「何するのが?」です。あ、いつも主語がモノだとは限りません。こんなのもあります。
She is hard to please.
これも「彼女はむずかしいね?」と言うので、何するのが難しいの?と尋ねると、喜ばせるのが難しいと続くわけですね。そして、「モノ is easy / difficult」はItを主語にして書き換えることができます。こんな具合です。
It is difficult for me to read in a day.
I am happy to meet you.
人 is 感情・判断」の後ろにto不定詞が来たら、「なぜ?どうして?」のtoです。「僕はうれしい」とか「彼女はバカだ!」と聞くと、なぜ?どうして?と尋ねたくなるよね。それに答えているのがこのto不定詞です。そして、「人 is 判断」の場合はを主語にして書き換えることができます。こんな具合です。
she is crazy to swim in this weather.
It is crazy of her to swim in this weather.
I came home to find that the window was broken.
・「その結果、~になった」to be
・「その結果、ただ~しただけだった」only to
・「その結果、決して~しなかった」never to
He grew up to be a famous scholar.
His son grew up only to be killed in the war.
They parted never to see each other again.
He opened the door so that she might enter.
=He opened the door (for) her (to) enter.
I got up early so as not to be late for the train.
=I got up early (so)(that) I would not be late for the train.
You are very kind to help me.
=(It) is very kind (of) you (to) help me.
I tried to persuade him, but offended him after all.
=I tried to persuade him (only)(to)(offend) him.
Jim awoke and found himself alone in the room.
=Jim awoke (to)(find)(himself) alone in the room.
【第13章 不定詞(1)】

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