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He is still dependent on his father.
He still depends on his father.
Ways of thinking are different from person to person.                                           Ways of thinking differ from person to person.
We Japanese live on rice.
He is always imposing on her kindness.
He still relies on his father.
He still counts on his father.
He still falls back on his father.
「Aを当てにする」の表現は他にもrely on A、count on A、fall back on Aを覚えておく必要があります。relyには「あれ以来、彼を頼りにする」の連想記憶術があります。count(カウント)の原義は「数える」です。「今度は京子ちゃんと紀子ちゃんと雅子ちゃんと桂子ちゃんにお金を借りよう!」と言うとき、頼りにする相手を指折り数えてますよね!そこからcount on Aで「Aを勘定に入れる」→「Aを当てにする」と意味が広がりました。fall back on Aはgo back to Aとほぼ同じ意味で「Aに立ち戻る」です。こんな風に使います。
I always fall back on my usual method in times of trouble.
He is in a very poor financial situation and he has no one (    ) .【②】早稲田大
①to die for・・・・・・・・・・・・・・②to turn to
③who will pardon him・・・④to meet with
He hardly does anything but sit at his computer.  He has become (    ) on it.【③】上智大
He is not a man (    ).【①】上智大
①to rely on・・・・・・②to be reliable upon
③reliable upon・・④to rely
I can fall (back)(on) my saving if I lose my job.

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