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Even a child knows right from wrong.
Even a child tells right from wrong.
Even a child distinguishes right from wrong.
Even a child discriminates right from wrong.
「BからAを区別する」と日本語でも言うように、AとBを区別する時に A from B の形を用います。このfromを「区別のfrom」と呼んでいます。 A from B を「AとBの違い」と和訳してしまってかまいません。know tell は「違いを知る」とか「違いを言う」と考えてください。distinguish は「五感を使って違いを認識する」が原義で、「違いを知る」や「違いを言う」と大した違いはありませんね。discriminate は「差する」と同様に「区する」という意味にも使えます。
Even a child knows between right and wrong.
Even a child distinguishes between right and wrong.
Even a child discriminates between right and wrong.
「AとBとの間の違いを認識する」と考えると between A and B が使えます。でも、これはtellと一緒には使えません。tell between と聞くと、次の様な表現を思い浮かべるのが普通です。
tell between one’s sobs
It is difficult for Japanese to know an American (    ) an English man.【③】上智大
I can’t (    ) a genuine pearl from an imitation.【③】清泉女子大
For small children, it is difficult to distinguish good (    ) evil.【①】仏教大


  1. キュウべぇ wrote:

    Although we might think that the art of conversation is something that some people are born with, and not a technique that can be acquired through a simple,though demanding process,it is in fact something that can be achieved and continuously improved.It is an art,not because it requires genius like a master painter or writer,but because of the way in which it makes our lives better and richer.Just think of the difference between a meal one eats on one’s own,purely for nutrition,and a meal with friends or family in which the conversation is as important as the food.By taking every opportunity we have to engage in conversation,with those people we know well and with those we have only just met,we can become artists in our speech,transforming our own lives and those of others.
    The art of conversation is not inborn skill and can be improved.It enables us to get better and richer our lives.We can upgrade conversation skill by talking every chance with wide variety of people.《35語》

    日曜日, 7月 17, 2011 at 7:45 AM | Permalink
  2. yabu wrote:

    先ず、1文のskill は可算名詞ですから、an inborn skill にしてやらねばなりません。そして、2文のItはこのままでは the art (技術)になってしまい文脈に合いませんから conversation に変えました。get better and richer our lives は意味不明ですよ!get better は「病気などの悪い状況が良い方向に向かう」の意味ですから、「僕らの生活を改善する」の意味にはなりません。さらに次の get richer は「今よりも金持ちになる」以外の意味はありません。簡単に enrich our lives でOKです。3文の skill も可算名詞で、人称代名詞の our が付いているので skills と複数形にする必要があります。一番いけないのは、talk の使い方です。talk は自動詞でしょ!何で直後に目的語を持ってきたの?!「勇気を出してやってみる」の意味なら take a chance とか take every chance とします。色んな人と話をする機会だから、不定詞の形容詞用法で chance を飾るのが良いでしょうね。添削をするとこうなりました。
    The art of conversation is not an inborn skill and can be improved. Conversation enables us to enrich our lives. We can upgrade our conversational skills by taking every chance to talk with a wide variety of people.

    日曜日, 7月 17, 2011 at 3:55 PM | Permalink
  3. キュウべぇ wrote:

    by trying to talk with a wide variety of people in every chance.

    日曜日, 7月 17, 2011 at 10:01 PM | Permalink

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