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 モノはwhich(第22章 関係詞1・第3講)

the river‘s name(’s)
the name of the river(所有格のof)
A of Bの用法の中に「Bの持つA」の意味を持つ「所有格のof」がありましたね。忘れた子はルール16を見直しておいてください。こんなやつです。
the right of the workers
the roof of the house
A broad river runs through Nagoya.-言いたい文
I have forgotten the river’s name.-飾りの文①
I have forgotten the name of the river.-飾りの文②
主格  he-who-which
所有格 his-whosewhose
目的格 him-whom-which
そして、river’sとnameは切り離せません。<the river’s name>でセットです。だからwhose nameがになります。これを飾りの先頭に出します。こんな具合です。
whose name I have forgotten
A broad river  ^ runs through Nagoya.-言いたい文
I have forgotten <the river’s name>.-飾りの文①
                whose name
→A broad river whose name I have forgotten runs through Nagoya
次に②ですが、A of Bの結びつきもとても強力で<the name of the river>がセットになります。だからthe name of whichがになります。これを飾りの先頭に出します。こんな具合です。
the name of which I have forgotten
A broad river runs through Nagoya.-言いたい文
I have forgotten <the name of the river>.-飾りの文②
               the name of which
→A broad river the name of which I have forgotten runs through Nagoya.
I am reading a book.^-言いたい文
<It> was published yesterday.-飾りの文
→I am reading a book which was published yesterday.
I am reading a book.^-言いたい文
<Its subject> is jazz.-飾りの文①
 whose subject
<The subject of the book> is jazz.-飾りの文②
   the subject of which
→I am reading a book whose subject is jazz.
→I am reading a book the subject of which is jazz.
I am reading a book.-言いたい文
I borrowed <it> from the library yesterday.-飾りの文
→I am reading a book which I borrowed from the library yesterday.

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