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構文039 「~しないように」のnot toなど(目的構文4)

My grandfather bought a computer not to get behind the times.
My grandfather bought a computer in order not to get behind the times.
My grandfather bought a computer so as not to get behind the times.
for me to go
my going
that I go
for me not to go
my not going
that I don’t go
for me to have gone
my having gone
that I went
for me not to have gone
my not having gone
that I didn’t go
思い出しましたか?不定詞の否定形は「to go」がセットだから、その前にnotを付けましたね!さて、例文を見てください。全部ちゃんとtoの前にnotが付いていますね。ちなみに、第37構文も同じように否定形にできます。
My grandfather bought a computer in order that he wouldn’t get behind the times.
My grandfather bought a computer so that he wouldn’t get behind the times.
Times change.


  1. キュウべぇ wrote:

    My grandfather bought a computer in order that I wouldn’t get behind the times.
    My grandfather bought a computer so that I wouldn’t get behind the times.

    金曜日, 4月 1, 2011 at 5:47 PM | Permalink
  2. yabu wrote:


    金曜日, 4月 1, 2011 at 7:42 PM | Permalink
  3. ピカチュウ wrote:

    My grandfather bought a computer in order that he wouldn’t get behind the times.
    My grandfather bought a computer so that he wouldn’t get behind the times.
    でwouldnt が付く意味がちょい分からんです。

    日曜日, 7月 17, 2011 at 1:00 PM | Permalink
  4. yabu wrote:

    so that+SwillVで「SがVするように」、so that+Swill notVで「SがVしないように」の意味になるからです。
    so that I will catch the first train
    so that I will not miss the first train

    日曜日, 7月 17, 2011 at 4:00 PM | Permalink

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