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構文031 「Aなのだが、しかしB」のindeed~but・・・(譲歩構文5)

ここでは、A but Bのバリエーションを勉強します。例文はやっぱり前のと同じやつです。
It is true that he is famous, but he is very modest.
It is no doubt that he is famous, but he is very modest.
To be sure he is famous, but he is very modest.
Indeed he is famous, but he is very modest.
日本語の「成る程」は、人の言うことを受けて「たしかにそうだ」「本当にそうだ」と同意するという意味です。だから、この構文にはぴったりの訳語だと分かります。上2つの「It is~」は形式主語で、本当の主語はthat以下です。そして、to be sureは本来は「独立不定詞」と呼ばれ、それだけで本文(主節=言いたい文)から独立して使えるわけですから、位置は結構いい加減です。
To be sure, he is famous, but he is very modest.
・He is famous to be sure, but he is very modest.
Indeed he is famous, but he is very modest.
・He is indeed famous, but he is very modest.
・He is famous indeed, but he is very modest.

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