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Global migration today is the result of the increased inequalities between rich and poor, combined with environmental destruction across the global South.  People are moving in response to economic circumstances.  These circumstances are largely determined by trade patterns.  Since 1945, free trade, long advertised as a solution to poverty, has brought great wealth to many.  However, many more have been left behind.  Today billions still live in conditions of severe poverty.  Many are unemployed.  Without the intervention of the United Nations, this pattern will continue, and things will get worse.
設問5 下線部These circumstancesとは具体的にどの様なことか。簡潔な日本語で説明しなさい。
そして、circumstancesは直前文にも登場しています。つまりeconomic circustancesが2度目にthese circustancesになっているのが分かります。ならば、答えは「経済的な環境」でもいいような気がしますが、これは決して「具体的」ではありません。そこで注目するのが前にやったthat is to sayです。
言い換えると(that is to say)
第1文=Global migration today is the result of the increased inequalities between rich and poor, combined with environmental destruction across the global South.
言い換えると(that is to say)
第2文=People are moving in response to economic circumstances.

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