■常識のある人なら、そんなことはしないだろう。 A man of common sense would not do such a thing. =If he were a man of common sense, he […]
■常識のある人なら、そんなことはしないだろう。 A man of common sense would not do such a thing. =If he were a man of common sense, he […]
■もうそろそろ寝ても良い時間だよ(時間だった)。 It is about time you went to bed. It was about time you went to bed. 「もうそろそろ良い頃よ」と言って […]
■彼が話しているのを聞けば、その秘密のことを全部知っていると思うだろう。 To hear him talk, you would think he knew all about the secret. =If you h […]
■もし今水がなければ、僕らは生きてはゆけないだろう。 If we did not have water, we could not live. =If it were not for water, we could no […]
■もし今もう少し彼に我慢強さがあれば、上手くいくのにね。 If he had a little more patience, he could succeed. =With a little more patience, […]
■僕が君だったら、彼女をデートに誘うのに。 Were I you, I would ask her for a date. =If I were you, I would ask her for a date. だいたい […]
■彼女はまるでお化けを見たような顔をしている(していた / しているだろう)。 She looks as if she had seen a ghost. She looked as if she had seen a […]
■今、あたしが鳥だったらなあ。 I wish I were a bird. =If only I were a bird! =It is a pity that I am not a bird. =I am sorry […]
■もし明日晴れたら、ピクニックに行くつもりだ。(希望の仮定) If it is fine tomorrow, I will go on a picnic. ■万が一にも明日晴れたら、ピクニックに行くつもりだ。(失望の仮定 […]
■もしあのときその薬を飲んでいたら、今頃は調子が良かったのに。 If I had taken the medicine then, I might be fine now. 「あの時~だったら、今・・・なのに」の様に、条 […]