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One day a couple of kids playing catch in the vacant lot in back of our house threw a ball that hit the window, breaking the glass. They took off like lightening. A little while later their parents came over to apologize and offered to pay to fix the broken window. I politely refused their offer and asked if, instead, they would send the kids over so that I could talk to them. I just wanted to impress on them the importance of taking responsibility (in this case, apologizing) themselves for what they had done. By their surprised expressions, it was obvious that the parents were not expecting such a request. They went home without saying another word. After a while, the doorbell rang. I went to the door, expecting to see the kids who had broken the window glass. Now it was my turn to be surprised. When I opened the door, who should be standing there but the kids’ grandparents! They repeated the same thing the parents had said. In reply, I explained that all I wanted was a direct apology from the kids and that I was planning to praise them for having the courage to apologize themselves for what they did. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get my intentions across.
As the above incident indicates, children learn from an early age that responsibility for their actions will be taken by the head of the group. So naturally, the concept of personal responsibility is not learned. If the trouble caused is something as minor as a broken window, there’s no big problem. But when it’s a nuclear plant accident that devastates a large area of the country or a case of suicide that results from being bullied by classmates, a situation the teachers pretend doesn’t exist—well, that’s a different story. “In Japan we don’t need to be personally responsible,” is not an acceptable response in such cases. Who is responsible for what happened? Who made the decision that led to the trouble? What caused the person responsible to do what he/she did? What actions did the person responsible take that resulted in the trouble? The person responsible must be accountable for making detailed responses to such questions. If not, then whatever trouble was caused will be caused again and again. But in this country, the head (or heads) of the group bow their heads in apology—sometimes they step down from their post—and everyone is relieved and the curtain is brought down. And it’s usually brought down with a statement such as “Let’s all be careful that this doesn’t happen again!” The exact origin of the responsibility has not been clarified, so nothing can be learned from the mistake.
It’s easy to take personal responsibility. It’s about apologizing directly for your mistake and not depending on the group leader to do it for you. Be honest about what you did that caused whatever happened. Then do whatever you can to correct or alleviate the trouble and make every effort so as not to make the same mistake again. Everyone makes mistakes. That’s why it’s important to do whatever we can not to make the same mistake twice. After all that’s happened recently here, maybe it’s time for the Japanese to think about the concept of personal responsibility.

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