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Alaska is the largest state in the United States.
=Alaska is larger than any other state in the United States.
=No other state in the United states is as large as Alaska.
=No other state in the United states is larger than Alaska.
・A is the+最上級+[人・モノ] of / in B.
・A is+比較級 than any other [人・モノ] in / of B.
・No other+[人・モノ] in / of B is 比較級 than A.
・No other+[人・モノ] in / of B is as 原級 as A.
「in+グループ」、「of the+数」と覚えると大体上手く行きます。[人・モノ]は全て単数名詞です。そして、[人・モノ] 一般的な [人・モノ] になった場合には注意が必要です。言い換えると、any other thing とか no other thing とは言いません。anything や nothingの言い方が普通です。同様に、any other person とか no other person と言うよりも anyone や No oneを使います。
Time is the most precious thing of all.
Time is more precious than any other thing.
No other thing is more precious than time.
No other thing is as precious as time.
Time is the most precious [thing] of all.
Time is more precious than anything else.
Nothing else is more precious than time.
Nothing else is as precious as time.
She is the tallest person in her school.
She is taller than any other person in her school.
No other person in her school is taller than she.
No other person in her school is as tall as she.
She is the tallest [person]in her school.
She is taller than anyone else in her school.
No one else in her school is taller than she.
No one else in her school is as tall as she.
No one は Nobody、anyone は anybody でもOKです。elseはあっても無くてもOKです。この「最上級⇔原級・比較級」の書き換えは何度も実際に手で書いて、完璧に覚えておいてくださいね。「あたしの受験する大学は、書き換え問題は出ませんから」という子がいますが、書き換え問題としてではなく、本文の内容を「最上級⇔原級・比較級」で書き換えて選択肢を作る場合が多くあるのですよ。どうしてかと言うと、最上級表現は「著者の主張」を表現する時に使われるからです。だから、ちゃんと勉強しておかなくちゃダメですよ!
【第22章 比較(2)】例文191~193

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