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  The outcry about the removal of the statue shows that some people in Britain are uncomfortable with any critique of Britain’s past. But they want it both ways: to be free of guilt for historical sins, but to be proud of what they see as historical achievements.  The most obvious example of this is the way that the British are comfortable talking about the slave trade only through Britain’s are comfortable talking about the slave trade only through Britain’s much-lauded part in ending the slave trade.  But the men whose statues are being pulled down are not abolitionists but enslavers: owning up to their crimes is much more difficult for many British people than simply walking past them in the street.  And for other British people, having  to see these statues every day, sitting in lecture theatres and concert halls named after these men, is a daily act of violence that has become unbearable.
Which of the following statements best describes the author’s ideas in this paragraph?  Choose the TWO best statements.

a. Some people believe that walking past statues of historic figures would lead to the redemption of their historical sins and the restoration of Britain’s achievements.
b. Some people object to the idea of coming across certain kinds of historical memorials since they feel they are too horrendous.
c. Some people claim that historical statues should not be publicly exhibited, and that they should be preserved somewhere unrelated to the former British colonies.
d. Some people protest against the demolition of certain monuments because they feel conflicted between taking responsibility for the past and honoring the past.
e. Some people insist that monuments of former slave owners are important because they help people reflect on their historical background.

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