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(91) Yesterday, Mary was so furious that she ( ) not talk to anyone until after the meeting ended.
① might ② ought ③ should ● would
<強い意志のwould / かもしれんmayやべきshouldは論外。文脈から「誰とも話そうとしなかった」>
(92) Harry and Mary loved ( ) other for a long time.
① one ② one’s ● each ④ every
<「お互いに」のeach other / one anotherも「お互いに」。2人ならeach other、3人以上ならone another。 every other dayなら「一日おきに」、one’s otherは論外>
(93) Jiro has invited us to his birthday party. What should we get him ( ) a gift?
① to ② from ③ with ● as
(94) Ben ( ) Japanese archery for five years before he came to Japan.
● had been practicing ② has been practicing
③ is practicing ④ practicing
<「それまでずっとやっていた」/過去完了の継続用法。for five yearsだから「ずっと」、before以下が過去を示唆するので「過去完了」。practiceは動作動詞だから完了進行形のhad been -ing>
(95) I’ll be glad ( ) whenever you need me.
① helping you ② of helping you ③ to helping you ● to help you
(96) The European Union is called the EU for ( ).
① brief ② little ● short ④ small
<「略して」のfor short>
(97) Do you know what happened to Bill? I haven’t seen him around ( ).
① late ② later ③ last ● lately
<「最近」のlately / lately、recentlyは「最近地震があった」で過去形、nowadaysやthese daysは「最近自転車で通勤している」で現在の習慣や状態。>
(98) I slowed down so that the car ( ) me could pass.
① in front of ● behind ③ below ④ before
<「私の後ろの車」でthe car behind me/the car in front of meだと「私の前の車」、beforeは時間的な順番が前>
(99) The bank always opens absolutely ( ) time.
① before ② for ● on ④ in front of
<「定刻に、時間通りに」のon time>
(100) Mathew looks very tired. He looks ( ) he hasn’t slept for days.
① even though ② although ● as though ④ though
<「まるで~かの様に」のas though/「まるでブタの様に」は仮定法だけど、「何日も寝てないみたいに」は実際にその可能性があるので直説法で良い>