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(61) Mary has ( ) off going to Mexico until next Monday.
① set ● put ③ kept ④ taken
<「延期する」のput off>
(62) He was lying down on the sandy beach ( ) his back to the sun.
① in ● with ③ at ④ against
<付帯状況のwith/withOCの「Cのパターン」は3つで①現在分詞、②過去分詞、③前置詞+名詞。with his legs dangling, with his eyes closed, with his hand in his pocket>
(63) “Which girl is Shiori?”
“The one ( ) had a chat with a moment ago.”
● I ② myself ③ that ④ who
<関係代名詞whomの省略/ 元はI had a cat with her a moment agoでherがwhomになって前に出て省略された。>
(64) Could you pass me ( ), please?
● the salt ② salts ③ a salt ④ salt
(65) Judy did nothing ( ) complain about her office manager whenever she talked about her job.
① than ② to ③ else ● but
<「ただ~するだけ」のdo nothing but~/このbutは「~以外」の意味>
(66) There is ( ) doubt that you’ll be able to finish this work on time.
● little ② few ③ none ④ a lot
<「~に間違いない」のThere is little doubt that~/doubtは不可算名詞だからfewはダメ>
(67) I came all the way from Hokkaido to see my aunt, ( ) to find that she had moved.
① about ② as ③ enough ● only
<結果の不定詞/「結局~に終わる」の意味のonly to>
(68) ( ) of the surface of the earth is water.
● Three-fourths ② Three-fours ③ Four-threes ④ Four-thirds
(69) There is a possibility ( ) Congress passing the bill.
① for ● of ③ that ④ when
<「~する可能性」のpossibility of~>
(70) Mr. Taylor has spent years ( ) his company’s business.
① expand ② expanded ● expanding ④ expanse
<「~して時間を過ごす」のspend時間 [in]~ing/前置詞inは省略されて動名詞だけが残る>