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(41) We looked ( ) to her as our leader in the project.
① after ② for ③ in ● up
<「尊敬する」のlook up to/空所直後のtoと結びつくのはlook up toしかない。>
(42) That’s ( ).
● no good at all ② at all no good ③ good no at all
<「全然ダメ」のno good /not~at allやno~at allは完全否定>
(43) ( ) are you moving the furniture for?
① How ● What ③ Where ④ Why
(44) ( ) the book, I cannot comment on its value.
① Having not be read ● Never having read ③ Never to read ④ Not to have read
<分詞構文/notやneverは文頭に置く。元はBecause I have never read the book>
(45) Japan has ( ) oil and therefore is almost entirely dependent on imports.
① a little ② few ● little ④ small
<不可算名詞oil/a littleは「少しはある」。文意から「少ししかない」のlittleを選ぶ>
(46) Digital images can be viewed almost immediately, ( ) films take much longer to develop.
● while ② so ③ because ④ then
(47) In Japan ( ) people go on to senior high school after finishing junior high school.
① almost ② almost of ● most ④ most of
<mostの使い方/形容詞「大部分の」ならmost people、名詞「大部分」ならmost of the peopleとtheが必要要。almostは副詞だから直後に飾られるallなどが要る。almost ofは論外>
(48) “When you get your license, will your parents give you money to buy a car?”
“No, they said I ( ) get one if I wanted to, but they wouldn’t give me the money.
I have to earn it myself.”
① can ● could ③ may ④ shall
(49) “Frank drives much too fast. Someday he’ll have a terrible accident.”
“Oh, ( ).”
① I don’t hope so ● I hope not ③ I’m not afraid so ④ I’m afraid not
<省略表現/hopeの後ろはプラス、I’m afraidの後ろはマイナス。だからI don’t hope so(プラスのことを望まない)とかI am not afraid(マイナスのことが起こると思う)にはならない。文意から「ひどい事故が起こらないと良いね」。「ひどい事故が起こらないと」はプラスだからI hope not.>
I’m afraid that~を「私は~を恐れている」と訳さない。「~(悪いこと)が起こると思う」と訳せ>
(50) Jane is rather dishonest; ( ), we should be careful about what she says.
① however ● therefore ③ meanwhile ④ moreover