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(31) ( ) this evening, the fireworks will be canceled.
① If it would rain ② If it will rain ③ If it rain ● If it rains
(32) The time may come when there ( ) no winter because of global warming.
① was ● will be ③ being ④ used to be
<時制/時を表す形容詞節は未来は未来形。when以下はthe timeを飾る形容詞節>
(33) I ( ) happy to see him, but I didn’t have time.
① will have been ② would be ③ will be ● would have been
<ifのない仮定法/to see himが条件節の代わり>
(34) The 18th century was the period ( ) Britain had the Industrial Revolution.
① what ② which ● when ④ why
(35) What a lucky fellow Jack is ( ) such an attractive girl!
① to be married ② married ③ being married ● to marry
(36) “Are you going somewhere during the vacation?”
“Yes, I’ve found a nice beach ( ) I can enjoy swimming even in February.”
① how ② when ● where ④ which
<関係副詞/場所はwhere。I can enjoy swimming in the beachが元文>
(37) ( ) is equal to 0.4.
● Two-fifths ② Two-fifth ③ Two-five ④ Two-fives
(38) David was badly injured in the accident. If only he had left home five minutes earlier, he ( ) involved in it.
① was ② was not ③ would have been ● would not have been
(39) Taro ( ) there yesterday, but nobody saw him.
① might be ● might have been ③ must have to be ④ should be
<仮定法/ifのない仮定法。mightには「もしかすると」「やろうと思えば」「できることなら」の意味。どれも事実と反するので仮定法「もしかすると~だったかも知れない」はmight have+過去分詞>
(40) My father, though ( ) at the news, smiled and tried to encourage all of us.
① he shocked ② he had shocked ● shocked ④ shocking