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State your opinion about the difference between western countries and Japan in doing something about COVID-19.  Italy is the fist country the infected person was first found in Europe, and the government announced a lockdown and legal ban on leaving home after pandemic was discovered.  After all of the treatment, the infection is now under control, and Italy’s active treatment is highly valued all over the world.  But the lockdown plan was leaked to the press in advance of the announcement, and people became panicked.  And immediately before the pandemic, the politicians placed priority the economy instead of human lives, and people continued to get out.  As a result, the government took too long to decide on a lockdown, couldn’t stop the spread of infections and the collapse of the medical facilities all over the Italy.


Sweden, on the contrary, respects individual freedom, lets people behave responsibly, and, thereby, avoids a lockdown maintaining economy and daily life. But the number of people infected and the death rate in Sweden are twice to six times as large as those of Norway and Denmark. So their human experiment is said to be failure.

Like Italy, Germany rigidly locked up the country. And the number of people infected is nearly identical to France and Italy, but the death rate is extremely low.  This is because Merkel uses leadership skills. Before the pandemic broke out, she expanded the number of ICUs, consolidates the Coronavirus testing system (she uses both public and civil agencies).  After the pandemic broke out, she adopted go-see medical examinations to avoid the collapse of the medic al facilities. Not only Merkel but also leaders in Taiwan, New Zealand, Iceland, Finland, Denmark, and Norway play leading roles in their infection controls, transcending sectionalism.  These leaders are all female.  Men proved to be only able to flourish in systems or groups.
Compared to European countries, Japan was late in taking measures against the infection. In addition, they are not effective.  In fact, Prime Minister Abe imposed a state of emergency nationwide considerably after the pandemic was discovered. If he had imposed it a little earlier, the number of infection might have been greatly reduced.  Furthermore, the ban on leaving home was a request, not an order.  It wasn’t enforceability.  So people still commuted in overcrowded trains, going from Tokyo to local tourist spots where there were fewer infected people.

If the governments in European countries ask companies to suspend their business operation, they usually make compensation for absence from work. But the Japanese government doesn’t provide compensation. So many shops cannot afford stop their operation.

Japan is conducting far fewer inspections of the infections than European countries are. The Prime Minister and experts evasively say that something is clogged up.  But they know clearly that the vested-interest structure causes the “clogging.”  To protect their established interests, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) doesn’t want to do the PCR testing by other than public health centers and research institutes that fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry.  There are certainly much testing equipment in universities and civil agencies.  But universities in Japan are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Because the MHW doesn’t want to lose their interest, they won’t outsource the testing to MEXT. So all the universities are closed, all the testing equipment is not in operation, and all the technicians are laid off. Civil agencies cannot test without permission from the MHLW.


Therefore Japan doesn’t know the accurate figure of how many peopole are infected. As the government and experts cannot perceive the accurate current circumstances, they also cannot develop valid strategies for COVID 19.  So they stupidly say that we Japanese are highly conscious and noble and can stay home without penalty.  Even Prime Minister says that we can get through the misery if we face it in a proactive manner!

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