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ターメリック、黄金のスパイス!Turmeric, the Golden Spice!

Many studies have been done on turmeric.  Among the numerous health benefits of this golden spice are inhibition of cancer cell proliferation, suppression of angiogenesis, and eradication of cancer stem cells. Curcumin, the most active agent in turmeric, targets cancer stem cells without damaging normal stem cells.
I eat some turmeric  everyday. There are a lot of ways to include turmeric in your diet—for example, I sprinkle it on fried eggs for breakfast, or on sautéed vegetables, or add it to curry.   I always combine turmeric with black pepper because the piperine in black pepper enhances absorption of curcumin.
Curcumin is also a strong antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties.  And it is anti-bacterial, so I mix a little turmeric with mineral water and use it as a mouthwash after brushing my teeth.

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