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Syssy File(1)

There are two ways to speak politely in Japanese.
One way is to use expressions that elevate the person you are speaking to directly.
Expressions of this type are called honorific expressions. 
The other way is to use expressions that lower your position, thus elevating the other person indirectly.
Expressions of this type are called humble expressions.
There are three types of honorific expressions: the ni naru form, the sareru form, and the nasaru form.
There are two types of ni naru forms: o~ni naru and go~ni naru. If the verb is a purely Japanese word, you say o ~ni naru.  If the verb is from a word of Chinese origin, you say go~ni naru. It’s easy to tell whether a verb is pure Japanese or from a word of Chinese origin. If the dictionary form of the word consists of only one kanji, then it is pure Japanese. For example, 書く (kaku, meaning “to write”) has just one kanji書, so 書くis a verb of Japanese origin. On the other hand, 説明する (setsumei suru, meaning “to explain”) has two Kanji characters説 and 明, so 説明するis a verb of Chinese origin. Thus, the polite form of 書く is expressed  as お書きになる (o-kaki ni naru) and the polite form of 説明する as ご説明になる (go-setsume ni naru).

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