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The goal of English study for entrance exams is hard to see–hidden far off in the mist. There are actually so many things you have to study. Starting with learning words there are also idioms, grammar, sentence structure, wording, reading, structural analysis, composition, and more. And there are many types of English composition workbooks–those that require memorizing example sentence, those with questions that have unique solutions, use of abstract Japanese that enables multiple solutions to questions, and free composition. If you can’t reach a certain level in all of these then the deviation value of a mock examination is as heavy to raise as a ships’ anchor.
English word books are like collections of bug specimens. They just line up the corpses of words, so no matter how many word books you study you aren’t going to learn to read English. Admittedly, if you learn a lot of words and use your Japanese language ability, you can surmise to a certain degree what a story means. Even if you don’t study you can probably get a score within 10 points of the 50-point deviation value. But students who don’t study can’t rest easy because now the deviation value is 60. English study for entrance exams is really heavy.


  1. 加納真司 wrote:


    火曜日, 9月 12, 2017 at 3:21 PM | Permalink
  2. yabu wrote:


    水曜日, 9月 13, 2017 at 7:23 AM | Permalink

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