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例えば、今年の慶応の経済学部が出題した自由英作文のテーマは「最低賃金(national minimum wage」と「相続税(inheritance tax)」です。この2つの経済問題に一定の知識があって、それを基に自分の意見が英語で書けるって、そんな高校生はいるのでしょうか?普段から経済問題に興味を持っていて、幸運にも「最低賃金」や「相続税」がテーマの英文をたまたま読んでないと書けないと思います。例えばこんな具合です。
The excitement over the government raising the minimum wage is because it is thought that this measure is necessary to revitalize individual consumption so that the Japanese economy can overcome inflation. Of course money is necessary for buying things, so it’s understandable that if the minimum wage is raised people will spend more money. But in fact, even if corporate earnings reach a record high, that money will not be returned to employees in the form of a higher minimum wage or used for capital investment; the company’s internal reserve will just continue to increase. The Japanese are an agricultural people; both companies and individuals are good at stocking up to prepare for disasters and famines. So even if the minimum wage increases, people will probably put the extra money in the bank rather than spend it to buy more things.

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