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Should the Japanese government encourage more foreigners to settle in Japan? Why or why not.(慶応義塾大2015年)
I think that the Japanese government should encourage more foreigners to settle in Japan.  There are some reasons to think so.  These days the number of Japanese people is decreasing.  In other words, Japan is facing the problem of an aging society with fewer children.  If things remain as they are, it’s said that the population in Japan will be 45 million people in one hundred years, and the pension system will break down.  Therefore by accepting immigration, the Japanese government should increase the number of younger people and the problem about the pension system will be solved.  However, thanks to a falling population, individual income has been rising strongly ―outperforming most U.S. citizens’.  With 127 million people, Japan is hardly empty.  And its demands on the environment for food and other resources will also lessen.  Certainly, if the government permitted immigrants to settle in Japan, we might not preserve traditional Japanese culture.  However, I think that by telling traditional Japanese culture, this problem is solved.  Whether the Japanese government encourages more foreigners to settle in Japan or not is the issue the government should work on immediately.  I think that after careful consideration, the Japanese government should decide the solution to this problem.
岩間君!「このままの状態が続けば」のif things remain as they areが合ってるかどうかを気にしていたみたいですが、まったく問題ありません。何かに出てきた表現を真似たのではなく、これを自分で発想したのなら、岩間君の英語力は大した物ですよ!それに、内容も結構面白く書けています。
Japan’s population is approximately half the United States’ population.(×)
Japan’s population is approximately half that of the United States.(○)
tellの原義は「口頭で告げ知らせる」ですから、神話なら口頭伝承できても、文化・文明はできません。ここはhand downやpass downを使うのが善いでしょう。
By handing down traditional Japanese culture, this problem is solved.

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