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What do you think is the most serious international problem Japan is facing now?  Write an essay of not more than 60 words in English in which you answer this question and give reason to support your answer.(青山学院大2006・国際政経)
I think that the most serious international problem Japan is facing is the problem about treaties such as the U.S. security or TPP(Trans-Pacific Partnership).
These days a lot of agricultural cooperatives do protest movements.  If the bill about TPP is passed, a lot of agricultural products in Japan will not be sold because it is impossible to put a high tax on agricultural products made in other countries.  In my opinion, TPP bill should not be passed, because by not selling agricultural products made in Japan, the number of people who work in agribusiness is decreasing.  What is worse, the food self-sufficiency ratio will decease in a few years.
Certainly it is important for Japan to build a relationship of trust with other developed countries.  However I think that it’s more important to protect Japan’s culture than to build it.
I think that it’s more important to protect Japan’s culture than to build Japan.
build Japanで「日本の国を築く・作り上げる」という意味が通って仕舞います。ですから誤解を避けるためにも、ここは「できるだけ具体的に書こう」と思わないといけません。こんな具合です。
I think that it’s more important to protect Japan’ culture than to buil relationships with other countries.

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