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Is modern technology a friend or an enemy?
Modern technology is, of course, a friend for us.  There are a lot of reasons to think so.  If it wasn’t invented, we wouldn’t use a smart phone and travel around the world by plane.  A long time ago during a war, when the communicating system wasn’t established, it was so difficult to convey commands.  That’s why in spite of the end of the war, in some places a lot of soldiers continued to fight in order not to tell the command.  However now by improving the infrastructure, soldiers can contact each other quickly and we can send e-mail to friends and family living on the other side of the globe within seconds.  This is the first reason to think modern technology is a friend.  Second, by inventing the air plane, we are now able to transport goods and people move quickly from one place to another.  Certainly, if we handled modern technology carelessly, it could become a dangerous enemy, such as nuclear weapons.  It must always be we who use it, not the other way around.
In order to go to college, you must finish high school.
Because of a sudden illness, she couldn’t take part in the package tour.
さて、岩間君が書きたかった内容は、「理由」ですよね。つまり、戦争が終わっているにもかかわらず兵士たちが戦い続ける理由です。でも、in order to~は「目的」の表現です。だからここはちゃんと「理由」で書かないといけません。こんなぐあいです。
A lot of soldiers continued to fight because they didn’t receive the command to stop fighting.
あ、tell the commandという英語は残念ながらありません。ここはちゃんと具体的に「停戦命令を受け取れなかった」と書かないと何が言いたいのか分かりません。僕らの思考言語は日本語ですから、どうしても日本語に引きずられてしまいます。だから「ために」のような類似語には十分注意しないといけません。

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