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Do you agree that it is important to live in a place that is close to nature?  State your opinion beginning with either “I agree because~” or “I disagree because~”. Justify it using two reasons in your own words. Write about 40 or 50 words in English including the three required words. (Indicate the number of words you have written at the end of the composition.  Do not count punctuation such as commas or periods as words.)
I disagree because the life in urban is more convenient than that in nature.  You can get many things which is necessary for you to live in urban.  This is also because you can’t go to hospital soon when you are sick.
I disagree because the life in the city is more convenient than that in nature.  You can get many things which is necessary for you to live in the city.  This is also because you can’t go to a hospital soon when you are sick.
the life of Shakespeare
country life
=life in the country
city life
=life in the city
 次に、「都市部での生活」に対して「田舎の生活」がthat in natureって何ですか?life in natureという英語はありません。ここはthat in the countryが適切です。また、先行詞がmany thingsと複数形なのですから、which isではダメです。
 最後に、「すぐに病院に行ける」をgo to a hospital soonとしてはダメ。soonは「もうすぐ~する」とか「そろそろ~になる」の意味の副詞ですからね。ここはquicklyとかright awayを使わないといけません。この採点者は英語が分かっていませんね。こんな子に英作文を採点させてはいけません。
 さて、この子の減点の仕方ですが、「冠詞抜け」が-1点はいいでしょう。でもthe life in urbanが-1点というのは甘すぎます。それにthat in nature、which is、さらにsoonを2点ずつ減点すると、薮下の採点は5~6点というところです。

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