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最近は本格的なインスタント冷やし中華麺がたくさんあります。麺のおいしさは甲乙つけがたいほど美味しいですが、今回は、「日清ラ王 冷やし中華・ごまだれ」を使っています。


材料 2人分
卵  1個
キュウリ 1本
しいたけ 大1枚
・・・・・オイスターソース  小さじ1
A   ・・醤油             大さじ1
・・・・・砂糖   小さじ半分





4.「日清ラ王 冷やし中華」を「おいしい作り方」通りにつくるのですが、プロの味に化けさせるちょっとしたコツが3つあります。先ず、ゆで時間は5分間になってますが、しっかり冷やすと5分だとちょっと硬めの仕上がりになります。だから、それより気持ち長く茹でます。麺を箸で持ち上げて、ちょっと箸が透けて見えるくらいがゆであがりの目安です。

・Toshihiro Kanenobu
With just a little creativity you can transform ordinary instant cold Chinese noodles into a restaurant-level dish (or maybe even more delicious).
Nowadays a lot of instant food manufacturers make instant cold Chinese noodles. The noodles are all pretty much of the same quality, so it’s hard to pick out one as being much better than the others. Anyway, we’ll use Nisshin Raoh Hiyashi Chuka Gomadare (Raoh cold Chinese noodles with sesame sauce made by Nisshin)for this recipe.
It’s fine to use whatever kinds of toppings you prefer, of course. For this recipe we use shiitake mushrooms, kinshi tamago (thin omlette cut into thin strips), sliced Chinese-style roast pork, cucumber, and cherry tomato decorates the top.
Ingredients (for 2 people)
1 egg
1 cucumber
1 large shiitake mushroom
1 Cherry tomato
1 tsp. oyster sauce
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1/2 tsp. sugar
1.Mix the soy sauce and sugar together.
2.Cut the cucumber, roast pork, and thin omlette into thin strips. Cut off the stalk of the shiitake mushroom and slice it into strips. Cut the cherry tomato in half.
3.Add 1 tsp. of sesame oil to a frypan and fry the shiitake mushroom strips. Add the soy sauce and sugar mixture and cook on low heat until it is absorbed by the mushroom slices. You can add a little Japanese sake, too, if you like.
4.Cook the Nisshin Raoh cold Chinese noodles according to the package directions. But there are three things we do that make a difference. The directions say to boil the noodles for 5 minutes, But if you chill the noodles really well (with ice water) they will be too firm. So boil them for just a little longer than the time on the package. How long? Well, take up a few of the noodles with chopsticks and if the noodles appear transparent they’re done.
The second is to chill the noodles well. Pour the noodles into a drainer and wash them in cold water. This will cool off the noodles but they will still have residual heat at their core (or warm if they are washed for only a very short time). Be sure to chill them well. The last thing to do is not to leave water on the noodles. Firmly squeeze the water out of the noodles. It’s not enough to just shake the drainer two or three times–you’ll have watery noodles watery. Adding the sauce to watery noodles will dilute the sauce and spoil the flavor.
baka5.Put the noodles in a dish, add the toppings (as artistically as you can), and pour the sesame sauce over the top. It’s ready to eat and enjoy!
voila6.After you’ve eaten about half, sprinkle a little rayu (Chinese red chili oil) over the noodles. This adds an alternate flavor for added enjoyment.
We used our own homemade rayu.

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