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According to the passage, the earliest evidence of fire being used by humans comes from (     ).
(A) a Greek myth・・・・・・・・・(B) cave paintings in France
(C) items found in Africa ・・・・・(D) a story from India
Which of the following is NOT true aboutテーマ?
Which of the following is true aboutテーマ?
このタイプの内容一致問題は、設問文からはマーカを抽出できないので、4つの選択肢全部からマーカを抽出します。でも、今回のは「Which of the following?」のタイプじゃないので、普通に設問からマーカを抽出します。
問題の英文によると、人が火を使用した一番古い痕跡は(  )に由来する。
According to the passage, the earliest evidence of fire being used by humans comes from (     ).
マーカは名詞がベストですから、ここではA of Bをザックリとマーカにします。どうしてかというと、「A of B」のAもBも、またAofB全体も、全部名詞だからです。あ、ここで注意する必要があるのは、A of Bingの「同格のof」です。the evidence of fire being used by humansは「火が人間によって使われたという証拠」が原義の同格表現です。ルール16の講義で、次の表現を勉強しましたね。覚えてますか?
for you to be loved by me
your being loved by me
that you are loved by me
for fire to be used by humans
fire(‘s) being used by humans
that fire is used by humans
さて、あなたは何をマーカにしましたか?もしかするとthe earliest evidence of fireにしたんじゃない?あ、やっぱりそうでしたか?!ここで覚えておいて欲しいのは、「マーカをケチってはいけない」ということです。the earliest evidence of fireでも「火の最も古い痕跡」の意味の名詞だから、マーカとして成り立ちます。でも、長く大きくザックリと切り取れるのなら、そうした方が絶対に有利です。だから、マーカはthe earliest eveidence of fire being usedにしましょう。すると、次の所ででマーカがヒットします。
Of all the natural elements, fire seems to fascinate people like no other, and legends and myths about fire can be found in most cultures.  For instance, a famous Greek myth from around ten thousand years ago tells of how fire was stolen from the gods in heaven and brought to earth.  About one thousand years later, a similar story was told in India of how the sacred fire of the gods, called agni, was stolen and given to man.  In fact, images painted about seventeen thousand years ago on cave walls in France show scenes of our ancestors using fire for various purposes. Going even further back in time, pieces of fire-hardened cooking pots and burnt bones have been found in East Africa that date back at least one hundred thousand years.
scenes of our ancestors(‘) using fire
(A) a Greek myth・・・・・・(B) cave paintings in France
(C) items found in Africa ・・(D) a story from India
残念ながら不正解、「ブブ~!!」です。今回のポイントはここにあります。つまり、マーカがヒットした文がいつも根拠文になるとは限らないということです。 設問文から抽出したマーカをもう一度良く見てください。
the earliest evidence of fire being used by humans
going even further back in time
Of all the natural elements, fire seems to fascinate people like no other, and legends and myths about fire can be found in most cultures.  For instance, a famous Greek myth from around ten thousand years ago tells of how fire was stolen from the gods in heaven and brought to earth.  About one thousand years later, a similar story was told in India of how the sacred fire of the gods, called agni, was stolen and given to man.  In fact, images painted about seventeen thousand years ago on cave walls in France show scenes of our ancestors using fire for various purposes. Going even further back in time, pieces of fire-hardened cooking pots and burnt bones have been found in East Africa that date back at least one hundred thousand years.
(A) a Greek myth・・・・・
・・・・(B) cave paintings in France
(C) items found in Africa ・・。。。(D) a story from India

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