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・・Larger cities’ residents use train or bus almost every day than smaller cities’ residents, and younger people also do almost every day than older people.  I think most of the people who live in large city or younger people more at a offices built in a large city.
・・Most of the people who lived in towns or villages use not train or bus but automobile.  I think there is few station or bus stop and many people want to go away there they don’t willi8ng to go by other transportation means.
・・Larger cities’ residents use the train or bus almost every day than smaller cities’ residents, and younger people also do almost every day than older people.  I think most of the people who live in a large city or younger people more at a offices built in a large city.
・・Most of the people who lived in towns or villages use not the train or bus but an automobile.  I think there is few stations or bus stops and many people want to go away there they don’t willi8ng to go by other transportation means.
・・Larger cities’ residents use the train or bus almost every day more than smaller cities’ residents, and younger people also do almost every day more than older people.  I think most of the people who live in a large city or younger people more at a offices built in a large city.
・・Most of the people who lived in towns or villages use not the train or bus but an automobile.  I think there is few stations or bus stops and many people want to go away there they don’t willing to go by other transportation means.
⊿比較の文ですから、「電車やバスをもっと利用する」のmoreが必要です。この英文はlagerとsmallerが対比されているのではなく、A use more than Bの対比であることを採点官は見落としています。採点官は中学で習った比較を復習する必要がありますね。後ろのmoreも同じです。
⊿Most of the people use not the train or bus but an automobile.も採点ミスです。they use の否定文はthey don’t use ですからこうしないといけません。
Most of the people don’t use the train or bus but an automobile.
⊿there is few stations or bus stopsは倒置文で主語はfew stations or bus stopsの複数形ですからthere areにしてやります。ま、最近ネットで使われている英語のbe全部isになってますがね。だからといって、選抜試験の英語は正しく書くべきでしょう。
don’t willing toはare not willing toにしないといけません。