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(81) advertising is so widespread in the United States, it has had an enormous effect on American life.
① Why ② The reason ③ For ● Since
<接続詞since/2文を接続詞なしにコンマを挟んで配置できないので接続詞を探す。whyは疑問詞、the reasonは名詞だからダメ。Forも「理由」だけど文頭には来ないのでSince>
(82) It is always good to have visual aids when ( ) a presentation in the office.
① makes ● making ③ to make ④ will be making
<分詞構文のwhen -ing/It is always good for us to have visual aids when we make a presentation in the office.の分詞構文化。for usやweは情報として意味がないので、beingはいつも省略される>
(83) Katherine is the one who always ( ) with good ideas.
● comes up ② brings up ③ sums up ④ thinks up
<「思い浮かぶ・思いつく」のcome up with/主語に注意して次の4つの表現を確認。
I came up with the idea.
I hit on the idea.
The idea occurred to me.
The idea struck me.>
(84) I was made ( ) and see the doctor against my will.
① go ② going ③ gone ● to go
(85) She was seen ( ) into the theater with her boyfriend.
① go ● going ③ gone ④ went
<知覚動詞see/「劇場に入るのを」ならto go、「入って行くのを」ならgoing>
(86) Although I’ve known him for four years, I can ( ) remember his name.
● never ② already ③ always ④ little
(87) There are few mistakes, if ( ), in this long essay.
① some ● any ③ there is ④ there are
<「あったとしても」のif any/even if there are any mistakesの省略形>
(88) You ( ) very tired after your long journey.
① are being ② can’t be ● must be ④ mustn’t be
<「~に違いない」の助動詞must/must notは「してはならない」、cannot beは「~であるはずがない」>
(89) Please have ( ) at this document before you begin your work.
● a closer look ② a closer looking ③ looked closely ④ looking closely
<「もっと近くで見る」のhave a closer look/動詞lookを使うとPlease look at this document
(90) ( ) in the United States, he is fluent in English.
● Educated ② Educating ③ To have been educated ④ To have educated
<分詞構文/educateは「勉強させる・学ばせる」のさせる系だから「人 was educated」で「人は勉強した」の意味になる。Because he was educated in the United Statesの分詞構文化>