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71) This is the greatest invention I ( ).
● have ever heard of ② haven’t heard about
③ ever heard ④ should hear about
<「~について耳にする」のhear of~/hearは実際に音が聞こえる。hear ofは「聞いて知っている」、hear aboutは「~を耳にした」。>
(72) The tired boy is ( ) asleep.
● fast ② most ③ much ④ quick
<「ぐっすり眠っている」は人is fast asleep.>
(73) ( ) the students are against the idea of shortening the length of summer vacation.
① Most ② Almost ③ Most all ● Most of
<mostの使い方/形容詞「大部分の」ならmost students、名詞「大部分」ならmost of the studentsとtheが必要で複数形。almostは副詞だから直後に飾られるallなどが要る。almost ofは論外>
(74) How ( ) I ever thank you for this wonderful gift?
① does ② doesn’t ● can ④ can’t
(75) Robin suddenly began to feel nervous ( ) the interview.
● during ② by ③ while ④ until
<「~の間」の表現。whileは接続詞だからSVが要る。duringは前置詞だからthe interviewで良い。byとuntilは「~まで」の表現でbyは「それまでならいつでも良い」、unitlは「それまでずっと」>
(76) My car is broken, but I don’t have enough money to buy a new ( ).
① it ● one ③ that ④ this
<既出の名詞の繰り返し。aがあるからoneしかダメ。the名詞(特定のそれ)ならit、a名詞(同種のそれ)ならone。A of Bの繰り返しを避けるにはthat。thisは論外>
(77) My father is as strict ( ).
① as used to be ② as never ● as ever ④ as not
<「相変わらず~だ」のas~as ever>
(78) What do you think ( ) to John when he finds his bicycle has been stolen?
① happened ② to happen ● will happen ④ would have happened
<You think [that] the accident will happen to Johnのthe accidentを尋ねる特殊疑問文。「自転車が盗まれたことを知ったら、ジョンはどうなるだろうね?」これも「どう」だけどWhat>
(79) Mr. Roberts did not choose any of the three jackets because he found ( ) satisfactory.
① both of them ② either of them ③ neither of them ● none of them
(80) Some were killed and ( ) were injured in the accident.
① another ● others ③ the other ④ other