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(51) The poor harvest ( ) prices to rise sharply.
● caused ② got ③ had ④ let
<「事が原因で人は~する」=事cause人to~/becauseとcauseの使い方を覚えること。Prices rose sharply because of the poor harvest.>
(52) ( ) you need any further information about this matter, please do not hesitate to write to us.
① Do ② Shall ● Should ④ Would
<仮定法未来/「もし万が一」はIf S should do。ifが省略されて疑問文型の倒置が起こる>
(53) He ( ) to the museum, but now he hardly ever goes.
① used to going ● used to go ③ would used to go ④ is used to going
<be used to-ingとused to/同じtoでも前者は前置詞、後者は不定詞。I am used to getting up earlyで「私は早起きに慣れている」、I used to get up earlyで「私は昔早起きをした」>
(54) How is it ( ) that you got this work done without a computer?
① able ② capable ● possible ④ probable
<「できる」のpossible, can, able/「僕はそれができる」の3つの表現を覚えておくこと。possibleは人を主語には出来ないことに注意。
I can do it.
I am able to do it.
It is possible for me to do it.>
(55) If I knew a solution to the problem, I ( ) you a long time ago.
① told ② had told ③ would tell ● would have told
(56) She has sufficient income to live ( ).
① by ② in ● on ④ for
<「~に依存して生活する」のlive on~/ to以下がincomeを飾っている。something to write with「何か書くもの」と同じで前置詞が残る>
(57) He left school without exchanging a word with ( ).
① no one ② someone ③ other ● anyone
<肯定文のsome、否定・疑問文のany/withoutが否定を表し「誰とも話をせずに」の意味だからwith anyone>
(58) This sofa is very comfortable to ( ).
① sit ② be seated ③ be sat ● sit on
<不定詞の副詞用法/「モノis形容詞」を説明する「何するのが?のto」。「このソファは快適だ」を説明して「何するのが?=座るのが」。sit on this sofaだから前置詞onが残っている>
(59) In ( ) behavior, Johnny’s marks were the lowest in the class.
① order to ② place of ● respect to ④ spite of
<「~に関して」のin respect to/respectとregardを使ってin respect toとかwith respect to、in regard toとかwith regard toと言う。in respect ofはあるがin regard ofはない>
(60) Your brother ( ) in San Francisco yesterday, because my friend saw him in New York yesterday.
① could have been ● could not have been ③ must have been ④ would not be
<助動詞「~だったはずがない」/肯定的可能性のmustと否定的可能性のcannot。「彼は医者に違いない」はHe must be a doctor.「彼は医者であるはずがない」はHe cannot be a doctor.それぞれ「だったに違いない」「だったはずがない」はmust have been、cannot have beenになる。cannotがcouldn’tになると仮定法で「もしかすると」で時制が古くなるわけじゃない>