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(21) Not ( ) which course to take, I decided to ask for advice.
① being known ② to know ③ known ● knowing
<分詞構文notやneverは文頭に置く/2文を接続詞なしにコンマを挟んで配置できないので分詞構文。As I didn’t know which course to takeの分詞構文化>
(22) That man seems ( ) by everyone.
① to trust ② to trusting ●to be trusted ④ have trust
<助動詞seem to/ That man is trusted by everyoneのisの前に助動詞seem toを入れる>
(23) My friends hope you’ll come back soon and ( ).
① I do so ② I too so ③ so I do ● so do I
<「私もです」の表現/「Me, too./Me, (n)either.」と「So(Neither)+助動詞+I(助動詞の所にはdo/does/did/have/had/will~などが来る)」、「So(Neither)+am(was) I.」を区別すること>
(24) Yesterday I met an old friend of mine at the station by ( ).
① advance ● chance ③ place ④ way
<「偶然に」のby chance>
(25) It’s ( ) safe to let her do this work. She is not experienced enough.
●by no means ② by some means ③ by all means ④ by any means
<「決して~ない」のby no means/meansは「手段・方法」。by no meansで「ゼロの方法によって」
=「どうやってもダメ」が原義。by all meansは「あらゆる手段を使って」、by any(some) meansは「何
(26) ( ) I could do was to keep waiting.
●All ② Every ③ Some ④ Any
「~するほかない」のAll I can do is to~/「私にできることの全ては~」が原義>
(27) ( ) was made by her grandmother.
① Her this doll ② This her doll ③ This doll of her ●This doll of hers
<this doll+her dall=this doll of hers/thisとherを同時に使ってthis her dollはダメ>
(28) We’d like to hear some more ideas. ( ) of this matter?
① Do you say any ideas ② How do you think
③ What do you speak ● What’s your opinion
「運賃(給料)はいくらですか?」What is the fare[your salary]?
「日本の人口はどのくらい?」What is the population of Japan?
「それを英語でどう言いますか?」What do you call it in English?>
(29) The tennis player ( ) I supposed would win the championship has lost in the second
① as ② of whom ● who ④ whom
<関係代名詞/I think, I know, I believeに注意。supposeはthinkと同じ。空所の直後にSVがあるので
whomの様な気がするが、I suppose that he would win the~のheがwhoになって前に出た>
(30) Your paper is weak because there are ( ) examples to support your idea.
● few ② just few ③ not a few ④ quite a few
<「ほとんどない」のfew/a fewで「少しはある」。not a fewやquite a fewは「相当な数の」。just a
fewなら「ごくわずかの」だけどjust fewという表現はない>