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(11) The man was seen ( ) the window.
① open ● to open ③ opened ④ to opening
(12) He stopped ( ) the flower more carefully.
① examine ● to examine ③ examined ④ have examined
(13) She practices ( ) English every day.
① speak ② to speak ● speaking ④ to speaking
(14) So you are late again! Have you forgotten ( ) me you would never be late again?
①● promising ② to promise ③ to promising ④ promised
(15) I could still feel his heart ( ).
① beat ② to beat ③ to beating ④ beaten
(16) “Have you finished the preparation for your social studies debate?”
“Yes, I talked about it with our group members ( ) lunch.”
① across ② on ● over ④ with
<昼ご飯を食べながら=over lunch/ コーヒーを飲みながらならover coffee>
(17) “Which would you prefer, coffee or tea?”
“ ( ), thank you.”
● Neither ② No, I don’t ③ Why not ④ Yes, I do
<どっちも嫌いです= neither. I like neither of themの省略表現/どっちが好き?と訊いているので、No, thank you.(いいえ、結構です)はダメ。Why not?(是非そうしよう!)もダメ。No, I don’tやYes, I doは論外>
(18) Finally he found out ( ) was wrong with his computer.
① how ●what ③ that ④ which
<関係代名詞のwhatで「こと・もの」/what is wrongで「良くないこと」、what is wrong with Aで「Aにある欠点」。この場合は「彼のコンピュータの不具合」>
(19) It does not matter who finds the truth, ( ) the truth is found out.
① while ② when ●so long as ④ so that
<「~する限り」のas long asとas far as/ifに置き換わるのがas long as。「僕の知る限り」はifに置き換えられないのでas far as I know>
(20) I am afraid my watch is three minutes ( ).
●fast ② rapid ③ earlier ④ quick
My watch gains three minutes a month.
My watch is three minutes fast a month.
My watch is three minutes ahead a month.
My watch loses three minutes a month.
My watch is three minutes slow a month.
My watch is three minutes behind a month.