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(1) It might be wise of you to avoid ( ) abroad next year.
● studying ② studying in ③ to study ④ to studying
(2) My grandfather was hospitalized so I decided ( ) as often as possible.
① visiting him ② him visited ● to visit him ④ visit him
(3) She remembered the teacher ( ) it.
① talk about ● talking about ③ to talk about ④ talks about
<不定詞とも動名詞とも仲の良いremember/the teacher(‘s)が動名詞の意味上の主語しかなれないのでtalking about itしかない。the teacher’sの「’s」は省略できるのに注意!>
(4) Remember ( ) your books back to the library by the end of the week.
① take ② taking ③ to be taking ● to take
<不定詞とも動名詞とも仲の良いremember/by the end of the week(今週末までに)が未来を示唆するので、これからやることを忘れるなになる>
(5) I’m sorry. I didn’t mean ( ) on your foot.
① step ② stepping ③ to stepping ● to step
<不定詞と仲の良いmean/mean toで「~するつもりです」と「わざと~する」ここでは後者>
(6) I was glad to see birds ( ) in the blue sky.
● flying high ② to fly high ③ were highly flying ④ highly fly
(7) I saw the injured schoolboys ( ) to the hospital.
① to be carried ② carry ● carried ④ carrying
(8) Though he had tried to run away secretly, he was ( ) out of the house.
① seeing to come ② seen come ● seen coming ④ seeing coming
<知覚動詞・受け身の時のtoの復活/家から外に出るのをならhe was seen to come out of the house、家から外に出てくるところをだからhe was seen coming out of the house>
(9) He felt anger ( ) in his heart.
① to rise ●rise ③ to rising ④ risen
(10) We found all the windows ( ).
① close ② to close ③ closing ●closed