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コレステロール値を薬を使わずに管理する方法  Ways to Manage Cholesterol naturally

Fat increases good cholesterol.  Omega 3 fatty acids from fish, nuts, and healthy oils such as olive oil, and monounsaturated fats improve the ratios of desirable cholesterol to undesirable cholesterol. Trans fats and hydrogenated fats contained in vegetable shortening, margarine, snacks and many other processed foods promote abnormal cholesterol.


Sugar converts to fat in the body. Sugar and refined carbohydrates lower HDL, raise triglycerides, and increase problematic small-particle LDL cholesterol. High fructose corn syrup is especially bad. It’s found in sodas, juices, and most processed foods. High amounts of fructose turns on the cholesterol production factory in the liver that makes small-particle LDL cholesterol, raises triglycerides, and lowers HDL cholesterol. Sugar in any other form has the same effect.


So it is desirable to cut out sugar, or at least decrease the amount you eat. We also need to improve our diet. It’s important to include healthy fats, lots of vegetables, fiber, and protein in your diet.  Speaking of protein, most people think “meat and fish.” If you aren’t vegan these are good sources of protein. Beans and nuts also contain protein and fiber. Fish oil supplements are also helpful. I’m not a vegan, so I eat fish but I don’t eat meat anymore. I find meat to be too “heavy.” It’s also very important to exercise and get enough sleep.

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