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コレステロール Cholesterol

Cholesterol is made by the liver and the brain and we also get it from food.  The body makes about 2,000mg of cholesterol every day. Much of the brain, cell walls, hormones, etc. are made from cholesterol. We need cholesterol in order to survive.
LDLはlow density lipoprotein (低密度リポタンパク質)の頭文字です。HDLはhigh density lipoprotein (高密度リポタンパク質)の頭文字です。LDLコレステロールやHDLコレステロールと聞くと、ほとんどの人たちはこれを「コレステロール」だと誤解します。実はLDLもHDLもコレステロールではなく、タンパク質なのです!そして、HDLは”良い”コレステロール、LDLは”悪い”コレステロールだと思われてますが、これも間違いです!両方とも”良い”タンパク質なのです。
LDL stands for low density lipoprotein and HDL stands for high density lipoprotein. Because we say LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol, most people think we are talking about cholesterol. But these are not cholesterol, they are proteins! And people think HDL is “good” cholesterol and LDL is “bad” cholesterol. This is also untrue! Both are good.
What do HDL and LDL do? Think of them as a vehicle. HDL removes LDL cholesterol from artery walls and carries it back to the liver for recycling. LDL carries new cholesterol out from the liver to be used where it is need. When there is damage or inflammation in the arteries, the body tries to heal itself by sending cholesterol to “put a bandaid” on the damage. This “bandaid” is called plaque. When plaque builds up it can clog an artery and may lead to heart disease.
The problem is the Inflammation LDL cholesterol is trying to heal. What is the cause of inflammation? The cause is sugar! Sugar is the culprit!  Sugar causes cholesterol to increase because sugar causes inflammation and the body tries to heal by sending more cholesterol to the arteries. As a result, they get clogged with plaque.
In the next blog I will talk about ways to optimize cholesterol naturally.

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