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Foods that Kill Cancer Stem Cells ガンの幹細胞をやっつける食べ物

Two years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I’m completely cured of it now, but I’ve begun researching what I can do to prevent recurrence. One thing I discovered is that anticancer research has identified many foods that target and kill cancer stem cells! 
You may not know what cancer stem cells are. These are cells that pave the way for formation of cancerous tumors, so we want to get rid of them. Here are a few of the foods that target and kill cancer stem cells.
日本茶、抹茶 Green tea
ターメリック Turmeric
黒胡椒 Black pepper
ブロッコリーとブロッコリーの新芽 Broccoli and broccoli sprouts
キノコ(椎茸、舞茸、霊芝) Mushrooms (shiitake, maitake, reishi)
玉ねぎ(特に赤玉ねぎ) Onions (especially red onions)
In the next few blogs I’ll discuss these foods separately in more detail.

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