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Syssy File (13)

And the salt in my wounds isn’t burning any more than it used to
It’s not that I don’t feel the pain
It’s just I’m not afraid of hurting anymore
And the blood of these veins isn’t pumping any less than it ever has
Gautama Siddhartha realized that our life is painful. So we are always in great trouble. Nietzsche also said that the pain of our life is unbearable. Then we try to escape from ourselves in a painful present situation, and make a trip to find the blue bird in the future, or outside ourselves. But we can never find happiness in such places. This song tells us that we should get wise to find your happiness inside of you here now. Can’t you feel the spark just inside of you? If you could dig out the truth, you would find your painful fate is not your enemy to fight with outside of yourself. And that would relieve the pain. But it is not because you don’t feel it, but because you are not afraid of it by accepting your fate yourself. This is the very thing that Nietzsche calls “saying yes to all of your life as it is.” Nietzsche explained this, using thousands of pages. But Paramore did the same thing in about twenty lines. With Paramore, we don’t need religion or philosophy.

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