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Jhana File (18)

Let me explain the fifty-seventh Kanji character of the 80s for beginners, 「百」.
on – yomi「ヒャク
kun – yomi「もも」
⊿人生100年時代(じんせいひゃくねんじだい)=the age of people living to be a hundred
◇日本政府(にほんせいふ)= Japanese government
◇~の時代(じだい)= the age of~
◇人生100年(じんせい100ねん)= living to be a hundred
◇定年(ていねん)= retirement age
◇税金を払う(ぜいきんをはらう)= pay tax
Japanese government says that the age of people living to be a hundred has come. But what they really want to say is that we keep paying tax until the new retirement age of 80.

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