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Syssy File (2)

次は「される」タイプです。「される」は「尊敬」と「受け身」の2通りの使い方があります。受け身を英語でpassive formと呼びます。だから「尊敬」も同じ呼び方をします。「尊敬」と「受け身」の区別の仕方は簡単です。人は尊敬されますが、物は尊敬されないからです。
Second type of  Honorific Polite Expressions is “-sareru” form.  “-sareru” form can be used as both Honorific Polite Expressions and Passive.  So this type of Honorific Polite Expressions are called “passive form.”  It is easy to distinguish Honorific Polite form from Passive form.  For people can be respected, but things are not respectable.
 All you have to do it to think about the subject of the verb書かれる.  The former sentence can be translated as “The teacher wrote that.” in English. And the subject of the sentence is “teacher”, who can be respected by someone else. So the former is “Honorific.”  On the other hand, the latter sentence is “The text is written” and the subject of this is “text”, which is not respectable. So the latter is “Passive” But We can call these two kinds of expressions as “passive.”
There are two types of “passive” forms. One is “-reru” form, and the other is “-rareru” form. 「聞く」can be put into passive form as「聞かれる」while「見る」as「見られる」. It is also easy to distinguish “-reru” from “-rareru.”  You have only to change dictionary form into negative form(ない). If the sound immediate left to “-nai” is “a” sound, you can use “-reru” form.  For example, if you add「聞く」to「ない」, you get 「聞かない」(kika-nai.  The sound just left to “-nai” is “a” sound. So the passive form of「聞く」is「聞かれる」.On the other hand, if the sound immediate left to “-nai” is other than “a” sound, you can use “-rareru” form.  For example, if you add「見る」to「ない」, you get「見ない」(mi-nai. The sound just left to “-nai” is “i”, other than “a” sound.  So the passive form of「見る」is「見られる」

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