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“The main purpose of education is to get a job.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  I disagree with this statement. Some people say getting a job by good education is important, but I think education has a more important purpose.  First, if we do not learn history, we will make the same mistakes in the future and it is very silly.  For example, we were able to stop World WarⅡby learning how they had started it.  Second, nowadays, we should take measures to resolve a lot of problems in the world and these problems are very complicated and worldwide.  So we should have accurate knowledge and wide thought.  I think it is the main purpose of education that provides this knowledge and thought for us.  Even if we can get a good job, we cannot live comfortably without solving a lot of problems in the world.  Therefore, I do not agree with this statement.
For example, we were able to stop World War Ⅱ by learning how they had started it.
If we had learned from wars before World War Ⅱ, we could have prevented it.
So we should have accurate knowledge and wide thinking.

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