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前から2015年度の早稲田大文学部の大問Ⅱ(A)を解いています。さて、テーマは何度も繰り返し出てくるa very old pine treeの名前のPrometheusです。プロメティウスはギリシャ神話の神様で、いかにも古そうです。この御老木に関する事実が淡々と述べられているのがこの英文で、主張文はありません。でも、第2段落冒頭のHoweverを挟んで、その前後には劇的な転換があるはずなので、それを先ず押さえておきます。
Prometheus is the name that has been given to a very old pine tree, which grew in eastern Nevada, in the United States.  In 1964, a young graduate student, along with the US Forestry Service, decided to cut it down, perhaps in an attempt to retrieve some valuable research equipment that had become stuck.  The tree, while clearly of great age, did not seem to be particularly special, anyway.
However, it was discovered that in fact it had been at least 4,860 years old; they had cut down and killed the oldest known living individual organism in the world.  Although the destruction had been accidental, the young grad student changed to a different academic area, where he was to be very successful, and people became much more careful in researching ancient life forms.  There are known to be at least three trees living now that are more than 5,000 years old, though their locations are a closely guarded secret to prevent any damage or destruction.
Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Nobody at the time cared about Prometheus being the oldest living organism.
(b) Prometheus survived the attempt by the Forestry Service to destroy it.
(a)ではseem to be special(特別だと思われる)がcared (大事だと思う)に書き換えられています。(b)ではsurvive(生き延びる)がdidn’t kill(殺さない)に書き換えられています。
(a)に引っかかってはダメですよ。プロメティウスのことを「最初は特別なものには見えなかった」けど、調べてみたら「世界で一番古い生物個体」だと分かった、が「大転換点」の文脈です。「最古の生物個体」だと知らなかったから、重要だとは思わなかっただけです。伐採して年輪を確認してはじめて「最古の生物個体」だと分かったのですから、「最古の生物個体であることを重要だとは思わなかった」とは書いてません。(b)もthey killed(殺しちゃった)と書いてあるので、survivedしてはいません。
Prometheus is the name that has been given to a very old pine tree, which grew in eastern Nevada, in the United States.  In 1964, a young graduate student, along with the US Forestry Service, decided to cut it down, perhaps in an attempt to retrieve some valuable research equipment that had become stuck.  The tree, while clearly of great age, did not seem to be particularly special, anyway.
The destruction of the tree had no rational purpose or reason behind it.
perhaps in an attempt to retrieve some valuable research equipment that had become stuck.
Food got stuck in the space between teeth.
Since the cutting down of Prometheus, there have been no similar mistakes.

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