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profit based on short-term thinking can lead to migration
さて、マーカはこの3つですが、profitやshort-term thinkingはスッキリとはヒットしません。migrationは問題文全体のテーマですから、そこら中に出てきます。この段落にも次の2カ所に出てきます。こんな時は、この段落の主張文に立ち帰ります。何と言っても、著者の主張が大切ですからね。すると、Yetの直後が主張だと分かります。こんな具合です。
Environmental destruction has driven much migration. Slash-and-burn farming might by now be largely a thing of the past. Yet, whenever people exploit resources without considering the future, the likelihood of migration increases. That has been the experience of Nauru. Encouraged by foreign corporations, the Nauruans allowed their tropical paradise to be destroyed for money. Today, with no other source of income available, they have turned their island into a temporary home for migrants attempting to reach Australia. Ironically, now that their natural resources have been used up, many Nauruans themselves may soon choose to leave. Obviously, Nauru’s story cannot be repeated on a global scale, as there would be nowhere left to run.
but、however、yetの直後が主張です。そして、マーカのmigrationもヒットします。良く見てみると、profitresourcesに、short-term thinkingwithout considering the futureに言い換えられているのが分かります。
Whenever people exploit resources without considering the future, the likelihood of migration increases.
There is high likelihood [possibility / probability / chance ] of rain today.”
He has great musical talent and the capability of becoming a concert pianist someday.

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