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on a global scale, foreigners will abandon polluted places.
Environmental destruction has driven much migration. Slash-and-burn farming might by now be largely a thing of the past. Yet, whenever people exploit resources without considering the future, the likelihood of migration increases. That has been the experience of Nauru. Encouraged by foreign corporations, the Nauruans allowed their tropical paradise to be destroyed for money. Today, with no other source of income available, they have turned their island into a temporary home for migrants attempting to reach Australia. Ironically, now that their natural resources have been used up, many Nauruans themselves may soon choose to leave. Obviously, Nauru’s story cannot be repeated on a global scale, as there would be nowhere left to run.
Encouraged by foreign corporations, the Nauruans allowed their tropical paradise to be destroyed for money.
選択肢のスケールは大きくて、世界中の外国人が皆、汚染地を見捨てると予想していますが、本文の下線部にはナウル人が外国企業にナウルの自然を売り渡したとしか書いてません。だからforeign corporationsからforeignersへの主語のすり替えで×

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