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Listening Drill 第14回

Reading Drill No.14

 There are many legends regarding the origin of the Blarney Stone, and most of them are related to Bible stories. One says it was the rock that Moses struck with his staff to produce water for the Israelites, who were escaping from Egypt. Another says it had once been Jacob’s Pillow and that the prophet Jeremiah had brought it to Ireland. Yet another says it was the Stone of Ezel, which David hid behind while escaping from King Saul. Still others claim it is from the Wailing Wall of the temple in Jerusalem. The most commonly accepted story of the stone, one not associated with the Bible, is that it is a portion of Scotland’s ceremonial Stone of Scone and was presented to King Cormac MacCarthy I in 1314 by Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland, as a symbol of appreciation for Irish support in the struggle against English domination. Whatever its origin, the one thing historians are sure of is that the stone was set into the wall of Blarney Castle when Dermot MacCarthy rebuilt the castle in 1446.

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