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設問4 下線部itの具体的内容を、本文中の英語で答えなさい。
The best citizen science projects are win-win situations.  On the one hand, the scientific community gains access to far more data than they would otherwise have, while spending less money.  On the other hand, citizen science is good for the general public: it gets people out into the natural world and involved in scientific processes.  Additionally, when people take part in a well-designed study that includes training to use equipment, collect data, and share their findings, they have the satisfaction of learning about new ideas and technologies.
Citizen science is good for the general public.
It gets people out into the natural world.
例外もありますが、2つの英文が同格関係にあるのだから、主語が同じだと考えて代入してみます。おかしいなと思えば再考すれば良いのですからね。ここではそれが上手く行くので、Itは前文の主語と同じでcitizen scienceだと分かります。

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