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イ The writer’s father found what his son wanted by reading the schedule the writer checked every night.
¶1 I was the only one in my family who cared about baseball.  I usually listened to Yankee games on the radio while dreaming that someday I would actually watch my heroes in person at Yankee Stadium.
¶2 That winter, I got a schedule and unfolded it every night, gazed at the summer dates, and dreamed.  To my surprise, one evening I saw my father examining it before going out to load his truck. 
  Because he was a truck driver, he kept change in a red money bag to prevent coins from falling out of his pockets.  One Sunday, as he was shaving, he turned to me and said, “Take some silver from my bag and put it in a jar.  Each week we’ll add to it, and maybe we can go to Yankee Stadium this summer.”
これは著者が何をしたかったのか、そしてそのことをお父さんが分かっていたのかを問う「心情把握問題」です。マーカのthe scheduleは2つの文でヒットします。でも「心情把握問題」では、マーカがヒットした文章だけが根拠文だとは限りません。
dreaming that someday I would actually watch my heroes in person at Yankee Stadium
Each week we’ll add to it (silver coin), and maybe we can go to Yankee Stadium this summer.

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