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According to the passage, the first person to use the word blarney in its present-day meaning was (   ).
(A) Sir George Carew
(B) Queen ElizabethⅠ
(C) Cormac Teige MacCarthy
(D) a soldier in the English army
これは「true or NOT trueタイプ」の内容一致問題ではないので、設問文からマーカを抽出するだけで済みます。それに、設問文は「A was (    )」 の構造ですから、Aは確定要素と考えて良さそうです。もちろん、丁寧に名詞をマーカとして抽出してもOKです。だから、the first personthe word blarneyits present-day meaningの3つを抽出することになります。それだけの下準備をしておいて、本文に取りかかります。
  The word blarney comes from the Blarney Stone, a legendary block of bluestone built into the wall of Blarney Castle, in southern Ireland.  The stone is said to give the power of eloquence―the ability to speak persuasively―to anyone who kisses it.  Indeed, one Irishman associated with the stone and particularly known for his eloquence was Cormac Teige MacCarthy, Lord of Blarney Castle when ElizabethⅠwas Queen of England.  According to one story[=For example] , in 1602 Sir George Carew, the Queen’s representative in Ireland, demanded that MacCarthy surrender his castle and lands to the English army as a sign of his loyalty to the Queen.  Many times MacCarthy said he would be delighted to do so while swearing his undying devotion to the Queen, but something always happened at the last moment to prevent his surrender.  His excuses became so frequent, but always sounding so sincere and believable, that Carew was unable to counter MacCarthy’s “fair words and soft speech.”  Once, when MacCarthy’s latest excuses were reported to the Queen, she is said to have exclaimed, “Oh, more Blarney talk!”  This seems to be the first use of the word, as we use it today, to describe such charmingly misleading talk.
設問文=今日の意味でブラーニーという言葉を最初に使った人は(  )だ。

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